Robert Shubow has a Doctorate degree in Psychology and a Doctorate degree in Law. He was a practicing attorney and engaged in psychological practice and research, not to mention all of the Hindu, Buddhist and Shamanic practices he was involved with. The man is very adept in manipulation on a variety of fronts. To those who doubt that his intentions are manipulative, keep these factors in mind.
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Shubow is extremely well learned. Degree or not, he is a very avid reader. I had a few sessions with him which took place in his personal library which is made of entire walls of books. He has studied the human psyche from all angles including the esoteric and occult. He has developed some form of yogic power through his sadhana which makes him very powerful at influencing people in one to one contexts.
About the question of his conscious intentions, it is always hard to know. He could very well excuse and justify his behavior as legitimate to "help" others. He could explain his extreme rigidity towards any form of reflection as coming from ignorance, justifying his extreme levels of hypocrisy and arrogance. What we can look at are his actions and their fruits for others, but it is hard to judge his conscious intentions.
Does anyone know where Shubow obtained any of his reported degrees? So far this claim has not been substantiated. It would be good to know.